WooCommerce Delivery Time Picker for Shipping
Woocommerce Delivery Time Picker for Shipping is a WooCommerce addon that allows customers to pick a date and time for delivery when shipping on the checkout page. Customers can select a specific date and time for shipping in an intuitive and user-friendly widget. The delivery time will be visible to site administrators when viewing the order in the admin area. It also will be sent via emails to administrators.
- The plugin is refreshed and compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce!
- 100% compatible with WPML!
If you want to allow customers to select ONLY PREDEFINED time slots, then check the WooCommerce Delivery Time Slots (they are similar in every spec, except the time picker).
woocommerce delivery time slots
The power of the plugin comes from its configuration. Administrators can easily change how the date time picker widget appears in the front end by changing text label, language, date, and time format.
WooCommerce Delivery Time Picker Features
- Customize text label: You don’t need to have technical skills to translate text
- Language support: support 74 languages and also support to set custom texts
- Easy to change date and time format
- Ability to restrict dates and date ranges
- Ability to restrict weekdays
- Ability to restrict by Minimum & Maximum hours
- Ability to select calendar theme
- Ability to Enable/Disable Time
- Ability to Enable/Disable Date & Time picker based on specific shipping methods
- Ability to limit the number of shipments per day
- Shortcode [wdt_shipping_time] and [wdt_field] to show shipping time and the date picker anywhere
- Auto update and Premium Support
- WooCommerce Delivery Time Slots: Similar plugin but allows users to select only predefined time slots.
- WordPress Meta Box Plugin: Developer toolkit to create custom meta boxes and custom fields.
- Premium WordPress Themes: Clean, fast, SEO-optimized WordPress themes.