BuiltUp – Photography Template Kit
BuiltUp template kit is perfect for creative portfolios – from photographers to portfolios and gallery pages. Whether you want to present a collection of work, inspiration or products, this template kit has every detail covered.
Required Plugins (will install automatically)
- Elementor
- Jeg Elementor Kit
- Qi Addons for Elemento
Included Templates
- Intro – Home
- Showcase – Home 2
- In Action
- Our Story
- Journal
- Say Hi!
- Post Page
- Album Page
- Log In
- Comin Soon
- Error 404
- Header
- Footer
- Menu – PopUp
- Modal Pages – PopUp
- Global Kit Styles
How to Install:
Install and Activate the Envato Elements plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress, then import the Kit zip under Installed Kits by clicking the Import Kit button. It is recommended you have some post content on your site before you begin customizing.
Configuring Header
1. Import the popup templates and the header
2. Open the header template in the builder
3. Click on the icon that toggles the menu or search and click the wrench icon on the “Popup” setting in the link field and select the popup template to display. That’s it!
This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.
- https://elements.envato.com/image-TLTTJ6D
- https://elements.envato.com/image-38JQCGU
- https://elements.envato.com/image-XNFQ2KW
- https://elements.envato.com/image-XQB37GJ
- https://elements.envato.com/panorama-of-minimalistic-mans-room-P3HC5TQ
- https://elements.envato.com/image-M5YCQ6S
- https://elements.envato.com/image-HYH3L4L
- https://elements.envato.com/image-S76HJ7J
- https://elements.envato.com/image-UFDBBVT
- https://elements.envato.com/image-JM5N6AU
- https://elements.envato.com/image-UK47EWD
- https://elements.envato.com/image-PJ2L437
- https://elements.envato.com/image-PXFHVQD
- https://elements.envato.com/image-P25F8HS
- https://elements.envato.com/image-4YCWE8J
- https://elements.envato.com/sensual-blonde-hipster-girl-in-a-studio-with-loft–NQX6ED4
- https://elements.envato.com/image-ZMFUPWP
- https://elements.envato.com/image-JALKL5G
- https://elements.envato.com/image-BS4W3ML
- https://elements.envato.com/image-6RXH9US
- https://elements.envato.com/image-X6FLJ3M
- https://elements.envato.com/image-9Y9TSXJ
- https://elements.envato.com/image-K6ZSF4Y
- https://elements.envato.com/image-LC8PN89
- https://elements.envato.com/image-M5CZUCB
- https://elements.envato.com/image-ZFLAEK2
- https://elements.envato.com/image-8TQVJGF
- https://elements.envato.com/image-TJSE2KR
- https://elements.envato.com/image-SZ7AHYV
- https://elements.envato.com/image-GFUTJ8Q
- https://elements.envato.com/image-EM7XB6F
- https://elements.envato.com/image-A893R9C
- https://elements.envato.com/image-NDXKT2D
- https://elements.envato.com/image-EPPN82T
- https://elements.envato.com/image-GCQXBAT
- https://elements.envato.com/image-JZYHEKW
- https://elements.envato.com/image-LJF7CZQ
- https://elements.envato.com/image-9LUM3W7
- https://elements.envato.com/image-JWRQ42X
- https://elements.envato.com/image-76LTLSZ
- https://elements.envato.com/image-LYDAA5P
- https://elements.envato.com/image-DX596FC
- https://elements.envato.com/image-FPYK535
- https://elements.envato.com/image-LBBUV2Y
- https://elements.envato.com/image-RVEQRUH